all postcodes in UB3 / SOUTHALL

find any address or company within the UB3 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB3 2AA 8 51.507476 -0.418812
UB3 2AB 9 51.507349 -0.419378
UB3 2AD 0 51.509699 -0.422942
UB3 2AE 0 51.509853 -0.422467
UB3 2AF 0 51.513034 -0.424289
UB3 2AG 0 51.512539 -0.424833
UB3 2AH 0 51.513842 -0.424852
UB3 2AJ 1 51.51553 -0.426004
UB3 2AL 0 51.514404 -0.425884
UB3 2AN 0 51.515149 -0.426464
UB3 2AP 1 51.516422 -0.426161
UB3 2AQ 0 51.513531 -0.425136
UB3 2AR 0 51.518412 -0.427058
UB3 2AS 0 51.511587 -0.423027
UB3 2AT 0 51.512831 -0.423215
UB3 2AU 0 51.511144 -0.422192
UB3 2AW 0 51.516326 -0.427014
UB3 2AX 0 51.512363 -0.421862
UB3 2AY 0 51.513304 -0.421671
UB3 2AZ 0 51.513524 -0.423926